Off-Site Sales

Sometimes, you need to sell as fast as possible. Waiting for someone to buy your Caravan on-site might not be an option. In these cases, we've got the perfect solution. Instead of calling 10, 20, 30 traders to get the best price, why not let us do it for you? It's FREE! Take a look below to learn more.

How does it work?


Traders want to know lots of information about Caravans. For this reason, we'll ask you to fill in a short questionnaire. This will give us all of the information we need to start collecting you the best price for your Caravan. You can find this at the top of the page. Or, you can click here.


Once we've received the questionnaire, we'll send out all of the details to our list of Traders. We have one of the largest databases of legitmate traders on our books, and can therefore give you the best price possible.


Once we've secured a trader, and a price you're happy with, we'll communicate with them on your behalf to arrange collection. Before the Caravan is taken off site, you'll have been paid by either ourselves, or the trader directly.


The great thing about this service, is that it costs you NOTHING. Yes, nothing. We make our money by receiving a "finder's fee" from the traders that we deal with. This varies from deal to deal, but the main thing for you to know, is that you will NEVER be charged by us for this service. Meaning, whatever you sell for, 100% of that money is yours!

Okay. Ready to get "sold"?

Click below to fill in the form. We'll do the rest.